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Ristorante la Cupola & Top of the Carlton
Ristorante la Cupola & Top of the Carlton
à la carte menu – La Cupola

à la carte menu – La Cupola

The amazing à la carte menu proposed by our Chef: the perfect balance between tradition and modernity.


To us, food transcends mere sustenance; it serves as a conduit for conviviality—a means to connect with others, share experiences, and create cherished moments around a beautifully set table.

Our menu unfolds like an enchanting journey, tracing its origins from Venice and leading you across distant lands, retracing Marco Polo’s merchant travels. Along this gastronomic path, distances shrink, and you, like an inquisitive voyager, will encounter exotic flavors and tantalizing aromas. Spices from the far reaches of the East harmonize with locally sourced agricultural and seafood products from the Lagoon Islands, resulting in a captivating and contemporary fusion.

With this ethos, I have meticulously curated exceptional recipes and sourced premium ingredients, transforming our menu into a voyage within a voyage.

Furthermore, I have conscientiously partnered with Italian companies that, despite the pressures of aggressive industrialization, remain steadfast in their commitment to quality across generations.

Lastly, our dedicated dining room team endeavors to provide you with a moment that lingers—a precious experience where authentic luxury resides in the emotions evoked.

Chef Najada Frasheri



menu à la carte


Iniziamo con …
Let’s start with…

Al Bacaro Polpetta di carne fritta veneziana con salsa yogurt e cipolla di tropea in osmosi
Al Bacaro Venetian fried meatball with yogurt sauce and Tropea onion in osmosis
Euro 20,00

Ceviche di pesce pescato, dal Mercato di Rialto con patata camote e polenta di mais nixtamalizzato
Ceviche of wild caught fish, from Rialto Market with camote potato and nixtamalized corn polenta
Euro 28,00

Baccalà Mantecato veneziano e giochi di polente
Venetian creamed cod and a play of polentas
Euro 22,00

Il Saor della Cambusa
The Galley’s Sweet and Sour in Venetian style
Euro 23,00


Primi piatti
First courses

Spaghetto quadrato al nero di seppia, vongole e clorofilla di prezzemolo
Square spaghetti with cuttlefish ink and clams and parsley chlorophyll
Euro 30,00

Trilogia di pomodoro, basilico misto
Gourmet pasta, tomato trilogy, mixed basil
Euro 26,00


Secondi Piatti
Main courses


Insalata Marco Polo Zucchine fritte, uovo poche, salsa yogurt, misticanza e tataki di salmone
Marco Polo salad Fried courgettes, poached egg, yogurt sauce, mixed salad and salmon tataki
Euro 31,00

ProfiterOro Sant’Erasmo della Dogaressa Hummus di Lamon, Babaganoush, fondi di Carciofi alla romana, Porcino e zucchina estiva con ricotta affumicata
ProfiterOro Sant’Erasmo della Dogaressa Lamon Hummus, Babaganoush, Roman-style Artichoke Bottoms, Porcini Mushroom and Summer Zucchini with Smoked Ricotta
Euro 26,00

Mozzarella di bufala su cromatura di pomodorini di Sant’Erasmo e Basilico misto (x 2 pax)
Buffalo mozzarella on a plate of Sant’Erasmo cherry tomatoes and mixed basil (x 2 pax)
Euro 36,00




La via di Marco Polo

Insalata Marco Polo Zucchine fritte, uovo poche, salsa yogurt, misticanza e tataki di salmone
Marco Polo salad Fried courgettes, poached egg, yogurt sauce, mixed salad and salmon tataki
Euro 23,00

Tiramisù Baco da Seta
Silkworm Tiramisù
Euro 31,00

Millefoglie con pesca bianca veneziana e vino
Millefoglie with Venetian white peach and wine
Euro 20,00

oppure / or

Il Saor della Cambusa
The Galley’s Sweet and Sour in Venetian style
Euro 15,00

Menu completo
Full Menu
Euro 60,00



ProfiterOro Sant’Erasmo della Dogaressa Hummus di Lamon, Babaganoush, fondi di Carciofi alla romana, Porcino e zucchina estiva con ricotta affumicata
ProfiterOro Sant’Erasmo della Dogaressa Lamon Hummus, Babaganoush, Roman-style Artichoke Bottoms, Porcini Mushroom and Summer Zucchini with Smoked Ricotta
Euro 26,00

Trilogia di pomodoro, basilico misto
Gourmet pasta, tomato trilogy, mixed basil
Euro 26,00

Tiramisù Baco da Seta
Silkworm Tiramisù
Euro 20,00

oppure / or

Millefoglie con pesca bianca veneziana e vino
Millefoglie with Venetian white peach and wine
Euro 15,00

Menu completo
Full Menu
Euro 60,00

From Rialto market to your table